Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Night-ings

--I used this picture in an old post last spring, but it still cuts straight to the heart.
--I've been in a very anti-blogging mood the past few days, I guess with the election over I don;t have much to rant about anymore.
--I find the political arguments that explode on the comments over at Liberally Lean hilarious.
--There was a mini-van driving behind me on I-35 the other night NO lights on at all, at about nine o'clock! I Wonder what happened after I called the cops.
--Thank you to all our veterans!
--I am of the opinion that military service should be a requirement for the President, I mean come on, the guy is the Commander in Chief.
--I'm noticicng more and more people jumping onto Obama bandwagon since the election. Man, that guy is gonna fall hard when the media hits him on his first little screw up.
--I don't like Obama at all, but it still bothers me when people actually hope that he is assassinated.
--I'm thinking about ditching my iPhone, any suggestions on a BlackBerry or something similar?
--I was really disappointed by the smug attitudes of most liberals after the election. But I can't say that I am surprised either.
--Be sure to tell JARHEAD thank you for his service!
--Twitter can be alot of fun when I remember I have it.


Unknown said...

I use a Moto-Q and really like it. It's keys and screen are a bit bigger than a Blackjack's. But I did see where AT&T is coming out with a new Blackberry that looks a lot like the Moto-Q.

What don't you like about the I-phone?

abbienormyl said...

Just got a Blackberry "Curve 8330" - I think I will love it as soon as I finish reading the 350 page instruction manual which will educate me on how to utilize all of its attributes...ugh!

Ryan said...

I dont really dislike it, it just locks up on me at the most inconvenient times, like when I'm recieving a call or something. But I don't know if it would be any better with a different phone.

LandShark 5150 said...

I got the tee-shirt that has "MORE COWBELL" on it / the best SNL skit ever !

RPM said...

I love Chrisopher Walken. Altho I think The Continental is a funnier sketch.