Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Two Cents

Now that the anger and disappointment from the [expected] Obama win has started to somewhat dissipate, I guess there is nothing else to do but get over, the man is our new President. I may not agree with his policies or morals, but he is our Commander in Chief none-the-less. I have to admit that I do feel a twinge of pride for living in a country that has just broken through a racial barrier, but that is about the only good that I see from the Obama Presidency. But, oh well, like Barry said the sun did rise on November 5th and we are all still Americans, now the only thing to do is attempt to heal the staggering rift that this election has torn through this country. I believe we are as divided right now as we have ever been, and to think just seven years ago we were as united as we had ever been, it should NOT take another terrorist attack for to unite one more. As conservatives, we should accept a setback for our party but use this time to strengthen the bond across the aisles. And Democrats should not abuse their majority to plague the country with their agenda, but to use it to strengthen the country as a whole. But what will actually happen remains to be seen, all I know is that America needs God now more than ever, and I pray we turn our eyes to him.


RPM said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...


Denny Crane made a 1000 dollar wager on the out come of the election and lost. When the money was picked up from Barry Green the envelope was full of paper not money.

This money was to be donated to my charities and now they will do without.

How low can you go ???

Kathleen... said...

Very well said, Ryan.

Uh-oh! on the wager?? Wow...I didn't realize you guys were seriously carrying one? Now I get the post @ LL.