Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Night Thoughts

--This is my newest nephew and my brother's first child, I just had to share this one of Blaine.
--In case I have any new readers, I'm a born-again, evangelical Christian, "right-wing religious nut job", and proud of it. Nice to meet you.
--I had a pretty fun weekend starting off with a little Halloween get together at my sisters house, it was good to catch up with my sister, it seems like I haven't talked to her in months.
--Last night we had the same sister's birthday party at a place in Fort Worth off of University called The Blue Mesa Grill. Not too bad, not bad at all.
--I could not believe the number of kids out trick or treating in Bridgeport, I don't remember there being that many when I was a kid.
--I agree with Jarhead when he said "Barack Obama spells the end of morality in this country."
--Every time I take a nap during the day, I wake up with a headache.
--You just can't beat Sunday dinner at Grandma's house.
--Breaking 8 foot fluorescent light bulbs is one of the funnest things to do. Ever.
--Will there ever be another non-biased news agency?

1 comment:

Kathleen... said...

What a darling baby! I love the candy all 'round too....only, what mean grown-ups -- to give candy to a baby when he can't eat it! lol

I am literally frightened, or maybe anxious is the more appropriate term, of what will happen to our country after Tuesday.

"President Barack Obama." Gosh...