Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Eve Eve Thoughts

--I wen to IGA after to work to pick up some butter for my wife, that place is insane aroun 6 o'clock.
--We were surpisingly busy this morning at work, then it just kind of dropped off in the afternoon.
--I have been doing good on my mission of concentrating on the real meaning of Christmas this year. I like that the radio stations are playing just as many Baby Jesus songs as they are Santa Clause songs.
--I wonder how many news stations will be covering how the Obama's are celebrating Christmas. Oh yeah, every single one.
--I hate how commercialism has made such a great time of year so hectic for many people.
--The new movie Doubt looks dark. Dark, but good.
--Well I'm off to bed, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

1 comment:

el chupacabra said...

I gave more small things that really meant something to both of us as I am drowning in meaningless crap anyway so assumed that's true for others.

The best thing was having Christmas at my house and just enjoying everyones company- no one having to rush in/out to go get/give meaningless junk.