Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rain Man

Since I signed up for Netflix last week I'm trying to watch a bunch of classic movies that I should have already seen but just haven't had the chance. This time it was Rain Man. I was expecting this to be a pretty good movie and of course it was, but threes just not alot to say about it without making it sound crappy. It's one of those movies that makes you appreciate everything and everyone around you. But anyway, I thought it was a good flick and, unlike Philadelphia, this one will be a multiple watcher. I did find myself laughing alot throughout it which really surprised me. I'm coming to realize that I also like any movie with Dustin Hoffman in it (next in my Netflix queue is The Graduate), he just seems like he would be a really nice if you ever met him in person. Any suggestions on what else to see? I'd really like some opinions so I have something to blog about later.


lovelit said...

"The Princess Bride", "Navigator", "E.T.". Also, if you haven't seen them, "Moulin Rouge", "Interview With the Vampire", "Quills"...some of my favs, don't know if they're considred classics or not:) And I've yet to find one person who liked "Quills"; Marquis de Sade + priest makes for some crazy cinema entertainment.

Crystal said...

Rain Man is good film